Overcoming Video Fears

So you want to start creating video content for your real estate agent business on Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, or Facebook? But one small problem, you’re camera shy? Do you find yourself feeling nervous or self-conscious when it comes to being in front of a camera? If yes, don’t worry you’re not alone for many people this is completely normal. Here are my top tips to help you get over your camera shyness and feel confident and comfortable on camera.

  • Practice makes perfect: Accept the fact that probably your first 100 videos will not be the best quality. It’s better to be done than done perfectly. When you chase perfection, you will never be done. You will never hit the “post” button because you will always think it’s not good enough. You’ve already spent hours working on the idea, the script, recording the video, and editing. So just POST IT! With practice over time, you will get better! 
  • Mindset: stop worrying about others’ opinions. In this day and age, critics, haters, trolls, and keyboard warriors are everywhere. It’s better to do something and be criticized for it than do nothing and criticize others. 
  • Prepare yourself: Before recording, take the time to plan out what you want to say, write it down, and practice saying it out loud a few times. This can help reduce nervousness and ensure that you feel more confident and in control during the recording process.
  • Focus on your content: When you’re in front of the camera, try to focus on the content of your video rather than your appearance or any perceived flaws. Remember, the content is what’s most important, and your audience is interested in what you have to say, not so much in how you look. So if you focus on serving others, then you will be less self-conscious about yourself.
  • Be kind to yourself: Finally, it’s important to be kind to yourself and not let camera shyness hold you back. Everyone has insecurities and imperfections, stop worrying about how you look from your hair to your face or how you sound. Remember how you hear yourself on video, is how others have always heard you. If you aren’t happy with that, then work on changing your tone, pitch, and delivery through practice.

In conclusion, camera shyness is extremely common, but it’s something that can be overcome with time and practice. By following these tips, you can start to feel more confident and comfortable on camera, allowing you to share your message and ideas with the world. The ability to communicate well is one of the most powerful skills in the world. Stop getting in your own way, hit the record button, and post away!

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