Why Agent First Group?

Even after two years of being an agent, I quickly realized that while I had learned how to be an agent. I didn’t actually know anything about running my own agent business. What do I mean? While I knew how to show homes, write contracts, manage transactions, and walk clients through the purchasing process forwards and backward. I didn’t know how to actually operate my own agent business. After I exhausted my short SOI list, where was the rest of my business going to come from? How do I actually generate leads?

I had to make a decision. Do I continue to stay at my brokerage where I wasn’t getting the training, guidance, and support in my business that I wanted? Or do I leave my brokerage and find another brokerage that can help me with all the areas that I needed help with? It was definitely a tough decision, but I realized that in order for my business to get to the level that I wanted it to become. I needed to leave and find the proper training, support, and guidance to get me to that next level where I wanted to be at. 

This is where I came across Jaime Resendiz and the Agent First Group (AFG) on Youtube! I knew what I didn’t know and I also knew what I didn’t want to do. While I needed help with lead generation, I also knew that I didn’t want to cold call for leads. And also being a bootstrapped agent, I did not want to pay for ads or lead generation. I came across Jaime from the referral of another agent who I had told that I wanted to improve my lead generation through social media marketing. So he recommended me Jaime’s Youtube videos. 

Jaime at the time was making a ton of Youtube video content for agents. And as a person who knew that they didn’t want to generate leads through cold calling. Jaime’s focus on lead generation through social media marketing by publishing video content was exactly what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to spend my days cold call strangers, getting cussed, out, and hung up on a daily basis. So I was willing to take the leap and contact Jaime about how I can partner with him and learn all about building my agent brand and business through social media and video content marketing. 

I just completed a little over my first year here at AFG and it has been everything I had hoped for and more. With AFG, I quickly made focus on building my brand through social media and video marketing. I learned how to create social media content that helped spread awareness of my agent’s business. I started with creating reels and Tiktoks. Of course, at first, my videos were so cringy. But I didn’t care, I only cared that I was taking action. And through practice, through months of making videos and publishing them consistently. I finally started to see results. Everywhere I went, people local to my area and state came up to me in public and said, Hey aren’t you that guy who talks about houses in Milwaukee? I see you always posting videos, and I love watching your content. When I start looking I’ll reach out to you. 

I quickly learned that while shorts were great at growing my business’s reach and awareness levels. It didn’t have the conversion factor or higher quality of leads that I had hoped for. After recording over 100+ shorts. In 2023, I decided to stop telling myself the limiting belief that I didn’t have the time to make Youtube. Again with the help of Jaime and his Done For You Video Editing services, it really helps me to save time from having to edit them all myself and distribute them to my viewers on a constant weekly basis. Within only the first 3 months of starting my Youtube channel. I’ve received 4 referral leads to agents not even in my area. On top of this I’ve also received another 3 high-quality leads who came across my videos and knew that they needed help to accomplish their real estate needs. I am definitely a believer in Youtube and kind of wish I hadn’t talked myself out of starting there to begin with. 

On top of utilizing AFG for my Youtube editing services, AFG has built an awesome community where we can all work together, ask questions, and collaborate on future topics. We have amazing weekly calls where we hold each other accountable for our businesses’ success. We go over each agent’s activity level and have a 1-week training for what we call Agent of the Week. This is where we choose one agent to implement our strategies for a 1 week period to find and attract new buyers and sellers for this agent’s business. In addition, AFG has the Agent First summit where once a month a special high-level real estate professional hops on a Zoom call with us to share with us what they did to achieve the success that they have. AFG is just an amazing community of individual agents that can collaborate, share ideas, and help grow one another’s business. 

If you might be experiencing something similar to what I did. Don’t do what I did and struggle alone by yourself. Reach out to me! Let’s have a conversation about AFG and the eXp realty group. You owe it to yourself and your family to try everything that you can before you call it quits. Don’t quit the agent business until you’ve given AFG and eXp Realty a try! Let us work together to grow your business!

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