Should You Become a Reel-tor?

Should you finally take the leap to become a Reel-tor? An agent who uses video content for marketing and branding? Video is the most consumed media right now on the internet whether it’s reels on FB, Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube. Everyone knows the power of video. Heck everyone on Facebook is a digital content creator now. So should you? Here are the reasons why you should consider joining the club for with your:

1. Video has Incredible Reach

Each platform operates on different algorithms for the ways that your video content gets shared. On FB, the majority of your content is only seen by your friends or followers. However, in other platforms like Tiktok, it will push your content out to random folks who don’t follow you, but Tiktok knows that they like watching content like yours. So if they engage with it, Tiktok will continue to push out your content creating more organic reach. And we all know what can happen when a video goes viral. Can you imagine if one of your videos takes off and what it could do to your brand and business? However, this is also a double-edged sword as reality is creating a viral video is no easy feat. When you’re in a niche market like real estate, it’s tough to create content that gets views. However, do not let the lack of views and engagements stop you from creating more content. You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to have a chance to be great. And consistency and practice is the way there. It took Mr. Beast many years before he finally broke through on Youtube. So don’t be deterred, even if not many are watching the videos, they see you posting them. 

2. There Is a Lack of Competition

Sure, video platforms are incredibly popular. However, there really aren’t that many real estate agents using it. And, more importantly, there aren’t that many real estate agents in your area who are doing it and doing it successfully. So this is definitely an opportunity for you. Real estate agents have tons of ways to market, from cold calling, mailers, and door knocking, to social media. Let’s be honest, the majority of agents are NOT focused on creating video content because of the learning curve, equipment, and time investment involved in doing it consistently. Most are more concerned with other marketing tactics that they feel are more lucrative and deliver more immediate results. The question I often get is what kind of ROI have you seen on video? In the instant gratification world that we live in today, people are too concerned about the immediate and don’t want to plant the seeds for tomorrow.  

3. Your Video Will Continue to Prospect Even When You Aren’t

The great thing about video is that once you post it, it’s there forever. The platform’s algorithm will keep suggesting it to viewers who might be interested based on their location and watch history, and that process doesn’t stop.

Once you post a video, you may get people contacting you about it for months or years after you’ve posted it. Video content works while you sleep, reaching people around the world with your content. You may even wake up with emails or DMs in your inbox! 

4. There’s Zero Cost to Publish

You pay ZERO dollars to FB, Instagram, or Youtube to post a video. There may come a point when you want to pay an editor or a videographer to help you create more polished content. However, if you just want to start marketing and get your name out there, starting out video is 100% free, all you need is a phone!

5. Growth Compounds Incredibly Quickly

Once you get a decent library of videos built up, if you can develop a small following of loyal viewers, the algorithms will spread your video content out to other viewers allowing you to gain new subscribers and viewers quickly. And the more views you get, the more people will see your video pop up in their feed!

6. Video is an Asset that You Can Leverage and Control

Video marketing is a space where you can provide useful, valuable content for your audience. Your channel can become a gold mine of real estate information that everyone wants to know, from local market details to real estate market updates to tips on how to get a mortgage or sell a home for the most money.

Creating a successful video brand, platform and subscribers can become an asset for your audience, and, in turn, for you. The more valuable content you have out there, the more people you’ll get following you. And the more followers you get, the more opportunities that can come as a result of it from your viewers who may be able to give you leads to help them buy, sell, or invest in real estate. Can you imagine your value add proposition of having a successful Youtube channel with thousands of followers for you to share your seller’s home with? Lastly, you control what content you create and post. 

7. You Build Trust and Authority for Higher Conversions

It’s pretty well-established that watching someone online or on a video encourages connection. If you watch someone online or in a movie/show often enough, you begin to feel that you know them even if you’ve never met them in person.

If you’re consistently and regularly posting videos on YouTube, garnering trust and connection is pretty much guaranteed. If you give your audience real, valuable lessons that they can apply to their lives, you’ll establish yourself as an authority in your space.

The more people out there who trust you and feel convinced of your authority, the more people will come to you for help when the time is right for them to pursue a real estate endeavor, whether that be buying, selling, or even investing.

Even if people aren’t necessarily watching or engaging with your content. They are seeing you posting them up on their feeds. I can’t name the amount of times I go out in public and meet people I know who are friends with me on social media. The first thing that often comes out of their mouth is, hey I see your videos on social media all the time. Great job, keep it up! Man, I can’t escape you. So if the purpose is to stay top of mind, it definitely works!

If you are ready to start on your Reel-tor career and or already have one but need a more effective way to create the content and edit. Then reach out to me for my exclusive value add proposition to help you with your video content creation. As always, if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below and I’ll get back to you!

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